Moving to Opportunity or Isolation? Network
Effects of a Slum Relocation Program in India


Moving to Opportunity or Isolation? Network
Effects of a Slum Relocation Program in India

Sharon Barnhardt, Erica Field, and Rohini Pande

Working Papers

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A" housing" lottery" in" a" large" Indian" city" provided" 110" out" of" 497" participants the"
opportunity" to" move" out" of" a" slum" and" into" improved" housing" on" the" citys" periphery."
Fourteen"years"after"housing"assignment,"relative" to"lottery"losers,"winners"report"better"
capital."Winners"also"state"increased"isolation" from" family"and"caste"networks"and"lower"
access" to" informal" insurance." In" particular," they" are" significantly" less" likely" to" know"
event" of" shocks." We" also" observe significant" program" exit:" 34%" of" winners" never" even"
moved" into" the" assigned" housing" and" 32%" eventually" exited" the" colony" to" be" closer" to"
family" and" the" city" center." Our" results" suggest" that" the" benefits" of" improved" suburban"
the"importance"of"considering"social"networks"when"designing"housing"programs" for" the"