In this paper, an attempt is made to forecast the growth in private corporate investment in Gujarat in 1981. The term 'Corporate Investment' covers gross capital expenditure of all companies in the private and joint sectors. The study also provides a picture of the level and composition of corporate investment in Gujarat in 1980. The methodology used in this paper to forecast corporate investment in Gujarat is similar to the one adopted by the authors for forecasting corporate investment at the all India level. The study reveals that the total capital expenditures by the private corporate sector which includes companies in the private and joint sectors in 1980 in Gujarat would amount to Rs 219 crores. This would constitute 14 per cent of the total capital expenditures the country as a whole. As of now, based on the projects sanctioned until the end of 1980 by the all India term lending institutions and state level institutions the total expenditures in 1981 will be Rs 179 crores. To this we will have to add expenditures that will come out of projects to be sanctioned in 1981 itself. Thus even on a conservative basis, one can expect the corporate investment in 1981 itself. Thus even on a conservative basis, one can expect the corporate investment in 1981 in Gujarat to be around Rs 230 crores which will mean a rise of 5 per cent over the level in1980.