Project Nirman by SAATH, a Gujarat-based NGO, aimed at empowering and training migrated workmen as masons, carpenters and electricians as per industry requirements. The project was funded by Bosch India Foundation. Although all aspects of the pilot project were successfully tested for sustainability, continuous funding remained a challenge. The project’s protagonist wanted to upscale operations but was facing a dilemma. While exploring options for sustainability on a continuum of dependency to complete self-sufficiency, the protagonist became increasingly aware of roles and identities of each partner in such alliances.
Some peripheral dilemmas like challenges in identifying a socially relevant project, upscaling the pilot project, identifying team capabilities for growth and need for value integration by different stakeholders for desired growth were noted. This case closes by questioning on how strategic alliances should be made so that the four partners — government, community, Non-government Organization and corporate — learn to coexist with mutual respect.