Religious influences in unrestrained consumer behaviour


Religious influences in unrestrained consumer behaviour

Jaskaran Singh, Gurbir Singh, Satinder Kumar, and Ajeet N.Mathur

Journal Articles | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

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Religion is known for transforming human behaviour in many ways. This research investigates the influence of religiosity on two unrestrained buying constructs; impulsive and compulsive buying. The focus of this paper is on both intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions of religiosity. The first study provides important insights into the differential impact of these two dimensions of religiosity on unrestrained buying constructs. The second study explores the underlying mechanism of the relationship between extrinsic religiosity and unrestrained buying behaviours. Results show a negative relationship of intrinsic religiosity and a positive relationship of extrinsic relationship with unrestrained buying constructs. We also found that this relationship for extrinsic religiosity is mediated by susceptibility to interpersonal influence and moderated by long-term orientation. This research explains the differential impact of religion on unrestrained buying behaviour.