Scientific Perception of Farmers Innovations in Dry regions: Barriers to the Scientific Curiosity


Scientific Perception of Farmers Innovations in Dry regions: Barriers to the Scientific Curiosity

Anil K. Gupta

Working Papers

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Surprise is a necessary condition for making a discovery. If a phenomenon out there does not surprise us and thus is not noted by us, could it be because of the familiarity that we have with it. In that case, is perception of an innovation and function of individual theory of social change or activity. The question of local agricultural knowledge not being perceived by agricultural scientists was raised in a study on Matching Farmers' Concerns with Technologists' Objectives: A Study of Scientific Goal Setting in Dry Farming. Paper deals with two questions: (1) How do we classify local/indigenous knowledge and (2) why don't scientists pursue some of these practices further to draw science out of these or to build upon these.