Some Issues in Microlevel Planning Based on Experience of Action Research in India


Some Issues in Microlevel Planning Based on Experience of Action Research in India

Ravindra H. Dholakia and Iyengar Sudarshan

Working Papers

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The concept of microlevel planning is operationalized in India through special programmes involving allocation of specified funds over given sectors, space and time. While working with the district and block level administration in planning several such programmes, we faced many situations which require explicit mention and perhaps modification in the discussion of the methodology of microlevel planning in a developing economy. We have broadly categorized these issues into (a) nature and avaialbility of required statistics; (b) alternative approaches, (c) target setting; (d) choice of strategy; (e) administrative structure; (f) identification of target group; and (g) people's participation. These issues are discussed with a view to deriving their methodological implications.