Survey of Literature on the Attitudes and Values of the Professionals - With Reference to the Countries in the Third World


Survey of Literature on the Attitudes and Values of the Professionals - With Reference to the Countries in the Third World

Saiyadain M S

Working Papers

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This survey reviewed studies published during 1963-1979. In all 26 studies were reviewed which dealt with data collected on samples drawn from 14 different occupations representing 26 countries of the world. The following conclusions can be drawn from the survey: 1. It indicates the relative dearth of the studies on the attitudes and values of the professionals in the third world. 2. Most studies have dealt with limited number of professions while others were neglected. 3. Attitudes and values have been explored in a broader framework. Several issues and concerns have been covered in the general concept of attitudes and values. 4. The survey suggests that both the environmental and personality factors influence the growth and sustenance of positive attitudes and values among professionals. 5. Various professional values could broadly be classified into the intrinsic and extrinsic factors. 6. Most of all concern for excellence, productivity and profitability seem to be the major concern of these professionals.