Web content analysis of online grocery shopping web sites in India


Web content analysis of online grocery shopping web sites in India

Tamushree Banerjee and Arindam Banerjee

Journal Articles | International Journal of Business Analytics

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This article evaluates online grocery shopping web sites catering to customers primarily in India. The process of evaluation has been carried out in 3 parts using Rapidminer. In part A, the authors have studied the similarity in content that resides on the grocery shopping web sites. Using unstructured data from homepage of grocery shopping websites and the keywords specified for the web sites, the authors have made an effort to establish a cosine similarity index amongst them. In part B, the authors have analysed the customer reviews from the web sites. Studying the resulting association rules, authors have attempted to identify the attributes that drive customer happiness. In part C, the authors have documented the web traffic metric parameters (attributes) measured by search engine optimization (SEO) tool web sites. Hence, the created a correlation matrix to determine the parameters that are significantly impacting per day revenue for the web sites.