Women in Management Challenges and Opportunities


Women in Management Challenges and Opportunities

Parikh Indira J

Working Papers

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Women roles and so also men roles exist in the context of a society and culture, which allocates and defines roles for both. Society and culture provide myths and epics depicting the journey of a hero as he unfolds his life to seek the answers to the questions of who am I and what is the purpose of life. However, there are no epics or myths where women take a journey and an adventure to unfold their lives to discover who they are. Their stories and their life are always around relationships, search for meanings in relationships and sacrifice or investment in relationships. The women have lived contained within a narrow space, shrunken roles and frozen initiatives. After centuries of agrarian living technological revolution and industrialization opened the minds of women shattering the myths that they need to walk a few steps behind. Women journeyed into educational fields and then organizations and work outside home. This journey was undertaken in four stages over five decades. In this time women have found answers to questions about their identity. It is now time for all womankind it is their role to build a new heritage, new role models and give shape to the destiny of the girl child of tomorrow and in the centuries to come.