Ravi J Matthai Centre for Education Innovation
Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad's Ravi J. Matthai Centre for Educational Innovation. She joined IIMA in 2018. Prior to that, she was Assistant Professor of Science Education at Washington State University, USA. Dr. Chakraverty holds a PhD in Science Education (University of Virginia), MPH (University of Washington), and MSc in Environmental Sciences (University of Calcutta). She has held two postdoctoral research positions: in Biology Education at the IPN- Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (Germany), and in Chemistry Education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her research focuses on STEM education, medical education, higher education, and workforce development. She studies why many successful people experience the impostor syndrome where they do not believe in their ability or competence and feel like impostors or intellectual frauds. She also examines how individuals make meaning of academic and professional failures. Dr. Chakraverty teaches a variety of courses including PGP courses in designing and implementing surveys (DIS) and managing self-limiting beliefs in education and training (MSLBET); PhD courses in research communication (RC), educational survey development and implementation (ESDI), mixed methods research (MMR), and higher education in India (HEI); and crafting and publishing research (CPR) in the Faculty Development Program. She has published her research in journals such as CBE- Life Sciences Education, BMC Medical Education, Violence and Gender, and Current Psychology. She is on the editorial board of two journals: International Journal of Doctoral Studies and Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education. Dr. Chakraverty is keenly interested in the professional development of school teachers, school principals, and college faculty. She shares about her work on Twitter @DevasmitaTweets
Primary Area : Ravi J Matthai Centre for Education Innovation
Email : devasmitac@iima.ac.in
Phone : +91-79-7152 4827
Secretary : Viddhi Kotak
Phone : +91-79-7152 7901
Website : Personal Website
Ph.D. in Science Education, Dissertation: An Examination of how Women and Underrepresented Minorities Experience Barriers in Biomedical Research and Medical Programs, University of Virginia, 2013
M.P.H. in Toxicology, Thesis: An Evaluation of Potential Risk Factors for Cancer and Non-Cancer Health Effects Associated with Heavy Metal Exposure, University of Washington, 2008
M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences, Thesis: Estimating benzene in the ambient air in traffic intersections, residential areas, and indoor air using gas chromatography (W. Bengal Pollution Control Board, Kolkata), University of Calcutta, 2005
B.Sc. in Zoology, University of Calcutta, 2003
Graduate-level courses (Ph.D. and M.Ed)
Survey Development and Implementation Methods (3 credits) (WSU)
Social Foundations of Education (3 credits) (WSU)
Academic Writing (HBCSE, TIFR Mumbai)
Science in Elementary Schools (Required for elementary teacher certification) (UVA, Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Invited Workshops on Academic Writing
Impostor Phenomenon in STEM and Medicine
STEM Education
Medical Education
Higher Education
Women and underrepresented mimorities in STEM and medicine
Associate Professor, Ravi J. Matthai Centre for Educational Innovation, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2018-present
Assistant Professor of Science Education, Washington State University, College of Education Spokane, WA, (2016-2018)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Biology Education, Leibniz-Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel, Germany, (2014-2016)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Chemistry Education, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, (2013-2014)
Toxicologist, Veritox®, Inc. (formerly GlobalTox, Inc.), Redmond, WA, (2008-2009)
American Educational Research Association, SIG 168: Graduate and Postdoctoral Education across the Disciplines
National Association for Research in Science Teaching
Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research
2014 - Dissertation selected as among the top three finalists for the Doctoral Education across the Disciplines American Educational Research Association SIG Outstanding Dissertation Award.
2015 - ESERA Early Career Researcher Travel Award: Awarded by the European Science Education Research Association to visit the Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education, University of Washington, Seattle. (April-May, 2015) (€1,000)
2016 - Teaching Certificate of Excellence for the project "Catalyzing Active Learning Strategies in Evolution" and for innovative, future-oriented teaching at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, Germany.
2016 - National Association for Research in Science Teaching International Committee Scholarship: Awarded to present at the 2016 NARST Conference in Baltimore, MD. ($300)
2016 - German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Awarded to present at the 2016 annual American Educational Research Association conference in Washington, D.C. (€1,978)
2017 - Jhumki Basu Scholar Award. Awarded by the Equity and Ethics Committee to present at the 2017 NARST Conference. ($700)
2018 - Travel Award for presenting at the 2018 Conference on Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science Careers in Baltimore, MD. ($495)
2019 - Early Career Researcher Travel Scholarship to attend "Revisiting Forces and Forms of Doctoral Education Worldwide" in Hannover, Germany
Education: Theory, Policy and Practice