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Books | 2016

Mysteries in Management. New Delhi

Mathur A. N.

Penguin Random House

Books | 2016

Strategies for the future: Understanding international business, New Delhi

Mathur A. N.

Penguin Random House

Books | 2016

Grassroots innovation: Mind on the margin is not marginal minds, New Delhi

Gupta A. K.

Penguin Random House

Books | 2016

Mathematical advances towards sustainable environmental systems, Cham

Furze J.N., Swing K., Gupta A.K., McClatchy R. and Reynolds D.


Books | 2016

Human resource management, New Delhi

Dessler G. and Varkkey B.

Pearson India

Books | 2016

Psychological contract: Managing employee-employer relationship, Germany

Agarwal P.

Lambert Publishing Company

Books | 2016

Contracts and arbitration for managers, Los Angeles

Agarwal A.K.


Working Papers | 2016

Optimization of Customized Pricing with Multiple Overlapping Competing Bids

Goutam Dutta and Sumeetha R. Natesan

In this paper, we consider the case of project procurement where there is a single buyer and multiple sellers who are bidding. We consider one seller having one or more competitors. We formulate the pricing problem from the point of view of one seller having one or multiple competitors (say n). We also assume that based on past experience, we have some idea about the distribution of bid prices of the competitors. We consider uniform distribution to describe the bid price of the competitors. The prices of the competitors are pairwise mutually independent and the price range are either identical or different and overlapping. We consider maximizing the expected contribution. Assuming the contribution as a linear function of price we compute the conditions for maximization of the expected contribution to profit in case of n bidders. Further, we also compare the optimization results with simulation results.

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Working Papers | 2016

Electricity Consumption Scheduling with Energy Storage, Home-based Renewable Energy Production and A Customized Dynamic Pricing Scheme

Krishnendranath Mitra and Goutam Dutta

In this paper we propose a scheduling model for electrical appliances in a dynamic pricing environment. Initially we have given a vector of price points for the next twenty four hours. We have developed an optimization model that minimizes cost to customer subject to operating time spans provided by the customer as per their requirements. The model is further modified to derive prices based on the consumption of electricity at the concerned time slot. We have also studied the effects of including energy storage and renewable energy generation at the consumer level. In this case we propose a linear price function that helps in automatically generating a price value for a time slot.

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Working Papers | 2016

Hub Interdiction & Hub Protection problems: Model formulations & Exact Solution methods. (Revised)

Prasanna Ramamoorthy, Sachin Jayaswal, Ankur Sinha, and Navneet Vidyarthi

In this paper, we present computationally efficient formulations for the hub interdiction problem. The problem is to identify a set of r critical hubs from an existing set of p hubs that when interdicted, results in the greatest disruption cost for the hub-and-spoke network owner. To begin with, the problem is modeled as a bilevel mixed integer linear program. We explore two ways to reduce this bilevel program to single level by replacing the lower level problem with constraints obtained i) using KKT conditions and ii) by exploiting the structure of the problem. Reduction using KKT conditions is straightforward but computationally inefficient in this context. Exploiting the structure of the problem, we propose two alternate forms of closest assignment constraints and study their computational effectiveness while solving the problem. We also show the dominance relationship between our proposed closest assignment constraints and the only other version
studied in the literature. Our computational results suggest that with one form of our proposed
closest assignment constraint the resulting model is solved on an average seven times faster than
the proposed one in literature. We further propose refinements to these alternate forms of closest
assignment constraints which are computationally faster than their original constraints. We also
solve the single level hub interdiction problem using a Benders decomposition method to fully
exploit the potential of our proposed closest assignment constraint. The computational efficiency gained using the closest assignment constraints, makes the trilevel protection problem tractable. We reduce the trilevel hub protection problem to a bilevel problem, and solve it using an Implicit enumeration + Benders decomposition procedure.

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