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Working Papers | 1995

Product Planning and Models of Diffusion-I

Girja Sharan

First purchase sales volume curve of box type solar cooker indicated that the product has passed maturity in Gujarat. We have initiated collaborative redesign work to improve the product. Central element of redesign concept is the addition of an electrical back up. This will enable users to cook food even when insolation and or ambient temperatures are low. It is hoped that this will enhance the appeal of the cooker. It is important to estimate the market potential and the likely growth trajectory of the 'new' cooker. One of the ways suggested in marketing literature is to identify an existing product which may be 'analogous' to the new product and use it to draw diffusion related inferences. This is the aim of the present work which will be reported in two parts. In this first part, we review works relating to diffusion of products in India and present results of using Bass model to describe the growth of the present cooker. In the second part to be reported later, we will explore the use of diffusion models as aid to identify product analogues.

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Working Papers | 1995

Why Collective Action: A Case of Joint Forest Management in Gujarat, India

Tewari Devi D

This paper empirically tests the factors which affect the collective action. The study is based upon the primary data collected from 33 villages in South Gujarat.

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Working Papers | 1995

Ordinal Comparisons in Choice Problems: A Diagrammatic Exposition

Lahiri Somdeb

The basic problem in choice theory is to choose a point from a set of available points. A large literature has grown where the central issue is the choice of a vector from a compact, convex and comprehensive (terms to be defined later) subset of a finite dimensional Euclidean space. A significant solution for such choice problems is the egalitarian solution which selects the highest possible vector with equal co-ordinates that is available under the given circumstances. There are several axiomatic characterizations of the egalitarian solution available in the literature. Of particular interest is an axiomatic characterization due to Nielsen (1983). There the egalitarian solution is axiomatically characterized using an assumption called 'independence of Common Monotone Transformations' (ICMT). Our objective in this paper is to provide a simple diagrammatic (yet completely rigorous) proof of the same result, when the feasible sets of attribute vectors are assumed (in addition to those essentially available in Nielsen (1983) to be strictly convex.

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Working Papers | 1995

A Simple Proof Providing an Axiomatic Characterization of the Kalai-Smorodinsky Solution

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we provide a simple proof for the axiomatic characterization of the Kalai-Smorodinsky Solution.

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Working Papers | 1995

Macroeconomic Analysis of Union Budget 1995-96

Dholakia Bakul H

Union Budget for 1995-96 was the fifth consecutive budget presented by Dr. Manmohan Singh, the main architect of India's recent economy policy reforms. Formulation of this budget was, however, a more difficult task than the earlier ones for various reasons. An attempt has been made in this paper to present a broad macroeconomic analysis of the main proposals and provisions of the Union Budget 1995-96 in the context of the stated objectives of the budget and examine the likely impact of the budget proposals on the economy especially in the short run.

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Working Papers | 1995

Managing Personal and Professional Roles A Training Module

Parikh Indira J

This paper Managing Personal and Professional Roles explores the social cultural context of women and the issues which confront women as they manage both home and work and deal with the dilemmas of multiple roles and membership in multiple systems. The training modules are designed from the experiences of women in life both at home and work. the paper is divided into sections: Section I introduces the theme, Section II introduces the 1) training module, 2) objectives of the training modules consist of a) social system and social roles, b) work systems and professional roles, c) integration of social and professional roles, d) self role and identity and e) new directions and action choices for women both at home and work. section III then actually goes into conducting the workshop. Conducting the workshop is divided into five modules. Each module has its own objectives, design, role of participants, role of the resource person, steps of the design, duration of each module and concepts arrived at from issues of each modules. The entire training module is anchored in the perspective of women's entry into management, their life space, dilemmas of life space, strengths and resilience of women, the stereotypes of social and work roles held by women themselves and men and society and the directions and action choices to redefine and redesign their roles. There is a bibliography at the end of each section and a comprehensive bibliography at the end of the paper.

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Working Papers | 1995

Aspects of Cognitive Competence and Managerial Behaviour

Das J P and Misra Sasi B

We present arguments for viewing decision making by managers in the context of both cognitive psychology and neuropsychology of planning. Individual differences in managerial decision making are explained within the framework of a model of cognitive processes that has for its components planning, attention, information coding and knowledge-base. But all decision making are influenced by irrational factors contained in motivation and emotions and the failures of logic. The conditions under which these failures occur are discussed. Next we consider if strategies for good planning can be learned and recommend inductive rather than deductive rule-learning procedures. In our Concluding Remarks we discuss this further and in the Appendix we have provided a list of strategies that can be taught inductively through structuring the executive's experience.

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Working Papers | 1995

Economics of Joint Forest Management Programme: A Case Study of Soliya Village, Gujarat

Tewari Devi D

This paper discusses the organizational and economic issues related to the Joint Forest Management programme in India with respect to Soliya Village in Gujarat. Using the private-benefit cost analysis (PBCA), the case study suggests that it is financially feasible and bankable scheme but needs revision of sharing arrangements between Forest Department and village communities.

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Working Papers | 1995

Resource Mobilisation Strategies for Financing of Transport Infrastructure and Services

Prem Pangotra and G. Raghuram

Transport infrastructure development in India has been slow and unsatisfactory due to the excessive dependence on budgetary support from the State and due to the dominance of state controlled enterprises. Future investment requirements need much greater mobilisation of resources than that accomplished in the past. This paper reviews the Indian experience of infrastructure investment allocations, performance of parastatals and major policy makers. It provides a framework for formulating “unbundling strategies” for increased private sector participation in the financing of investment and provision of transport services.

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Working Papers | 1995

Seed Industry in India: An Analysis of Status

Gurdev Singh and Asokan S R

Seed industry in India has been making great strides since independence. The government through policy initiatives helped the development and growth of the nascent industry. As a result quality seed production which was just 0.18 million quintals in 1953-54 has risen to 5.3 million quintals in 1992-92. Although the growth seems impressive, quality seed production has been far below the requirement for most of the crops. This paper examines the government policies for seed and analysis the performance of the three sub-systems of the seed system to highlight their strengths and weaknesses and constraints to the growth of the industry.

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