This paper Managing Personal and Professional Roles explores the social cultural context of women and the issues which confront women as they manage both home and work and deal with the dilemmas of multiple roles and membership in multiple systems. The training modules are designed from the experiences of women in life both at home and work. the paper is divided into sections: Section I introduces the theme, Section II introduces the 1) training module, 2) objectives of the training modules consist of a) social system and social roles, b) work systems and professional roles, c) integration of social and professional roles, d) self role and identity and e) new directions and action choices for women both at home and work. section III then actually goes into conducting the workshop. Conducting the workshop is divided into five modules. Each module has its own objectives, design, role of participants, role of the resource person, steps of the design, duration of each module and concepts arrived at from issues of each modules. The entire training module is anchored in the perspective of women's entry into management, their life space, dilemmas of life space, strengths and resilience of women, the stereotypes of social and work roles held by women themselves and men and society and the directions and action choices to redefine and redesign their roles. There is a bibliography at the end of each section and a comprehensive bibliography at the end of the paper.