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Working Papers | 1988

Problems and Prospects of Village Pasture Development Project in a Mixed Economy

Ravindra H. Dholakia

The present case discusses the pasture development (PD) project in Sayla Block of Surendranagar District of Gujarat state in India. The PD project was identified as the key project for the block level plan (BLP) scheme in June 1980. The case brings out merits of the PD project as a rural development project and describes the attitude of the bureaucracy and local polity towards the project. It is shown that a viable rural development project of considerable merit without having any constraints of finance or technical knowhow may also fail to get implemented if the initiative to motivate villagers and mobilize support from necessary corners is missing. Voluntary agencies with commitment are likely to produce spectacular outcome in such cases where the government machinery may not even perceive the potential.

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Working Papers | 1988

Provincial Income Disparity in Canada, 1951 to 1981

Ravindra H. Dholakia

In the present paper, we have examined the pattern of the provincial income disparity in Canada in the benchmark years 1951, 1961, 1971 and 1981. The data reveal that the rankings of provinces have remained more or less the same though the extent of regional disparity in per capita GDP has considerably declined over the 30 year period. Contributions of four factors, viz., labour force participation rate, industrial structure, capital per worker and output-capital ratio in the observed disparity of provincial incomes in the four benchmark years are estimated. Capital per worker played a major role in accounting for the disparity in 1951, but its relative importance is declining over time. Of late, output-capital ratio seems to be more important in accounting for the regional disparity in income levels in Canada. Industrial structure did account for a substantial proportion of regional income inequality in some provinces in 1951. In 1981, however, its relative contribution has only been marginal in all the provinces in Canada.

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Working Papers | 1988

Urgent Issues in Drought Management

Gupta Ramesh

Recent drought in western India is unique for many reasons. The most conspicuous is the fact that it has generated unprecedented apathy and indifference of intellectuals. The situation in Gujarat is all the more paradoxical. The paper draws up an agenda of issues which deserve urgent attention. The problem is looked at from the perspective of those who are unseen victims (i.e. those who had to sell off and/or abandon the livestock just when drought started), those who are receiving the relief but may bot realize any responsibility towards those who are less fortunate and finally those who have benefitted from this drought. While Government can succeed in mobilizing money and material, the skill mobilization is generally beyond its normal capacity. Is it too much to hope that elite in cities getting uninterrupted supply of power and water, will voluntarily demand cut in some other such facilities to contribute towards the mammoth task of drought management?

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Working Papers | 1988

Project-Linakage Programme -Understanding the Process of Evolution and Review of Pilot Project Experience

Sethi Dipti and Agrawal N M

'Project-Linkage', is a new program initiated by Government of Gujarat with an objective of linking rural development with industrial development. Specifically, the programme attempts to build linkages which will facilitate absorption of local people as unskilled and semi-skilled workers in the industries located in backward areas. Program is introduced at Vapi and Ankleshwar industrial estate as pilot projects. We have described the process by which the program has evolved. Using the case study, we have generated few hypotheses about role of bureaucracy and autonomous agencies in initiating and establishing development programs. In the second part of the report, we have described the objectives structure, activities and achievements of the program. Though it is too early to evaluate the program, we have attempted to review the program based on pilot studies. Certain recommendations are made based on our analysis of the pilot experience.

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Working Papers | 1988

Educational Tasks in Development Programmes

Sethi Dipti

In the developing countries and those undergoing rapid change, the part played in the social field by education is of vital importance. This paper has looked at the educational tasks that confronts the grassroot level functionaries of three development programmes: namely, Adult Education Programme, Community Health Volunteer and Family Planning Workers. A conceptual model has been set forth on the understanding of the above.

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Working Papers | 1988

Financial Management Research in India

Pandey I M

This review article has attempted to highlight the trends in financial management research in India. It has shown how methodologies such as regression analysis, factor analysis, multiple discriminant analysis, control theory, survey methods etc have been applied to financial data by the Indian researchers for useful financial analysis. The article also provides a list of potential topics for research in future.

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Working Papers | 1988

A General Saddle Point Property for Two Person Variable Threat Games

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we prove that all two person variable threat games which satisfy some very general conditions, fulfil a certain saddle point property at an equilibrium point.

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Working Papers | 1988

Biogas Technology - A Case of Mahijda Village

Gurdev Singh and Asokan S R

The study reveals that wider acceptance of biogas technology in Mahijda village was primarily due to shortage of traditional fuels in the village. A subsidy of 50 to 75 percent was a strong incentive in its adoption. It was adequately supported by organized supply of necessary equipment and extension by the Gujarat Agro-Industries Corporation. However, number of animal heads acted as a constraint in its adoption by many. Non-adoption by many technically eligible households even with 50 percent subsidy indicated the rigidity of the barriers in its acceptance. Disposal of slurry was unacceptable to many. Lack of education was another constraint. The study pointed out that there is a vast potential for the spread of bio-gas technology. What is needed is the aggressive campaign to educate the people about its talent benefits to individuals and to the society. Further subsidy may be rationalized such that it goes to the needy. Organizational innovations for the community biogas plants could be very helpful for the involvement of weaker sections.

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Working Papers | 1988

Monotonicity with Respect to the Disagreement Point and A New Solution to Nash Bargaining Problem: A Note

Lahiri Somdeb

We propose a solution to the bargaining problem which response appropriately to certain changes in the disagreement point, for a fixed feasible set. If di increases, while for j=I dj remains constant, our solution recommends an increase in ageni's payoff, in agreement with intuition. This solution also satisfies the more conventional requirements, which are usually imposed, e.g. individual rationality, Pareto optimality, Symmetry and Invariance. With Respect to Affine Transformation. It is shown that our solution is the only monotone solution, which satisfies these properties.

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Working Papers | 1988

Economic Order Quantity when a Discount is Offered on Cash Purchases

Gupta Omprakash K

Classical Wilson's EOQ model assumes that the payments for goods are made at the time of delivery and therefore a sufficient portion of carrying cost is incurred due to money blocked in inventories. In many situations, however, it is observed that the supplier allows delay in making payments of goods and offers a unit discount on cash purchases. The delay offered may be of various types such as delay of a fixed duration or a delay of an inventory cycle. In this paper, mathematical models have been developed to analyze when, if at all, purchasing on cash is preferable over delayed payment options. A total of four delay options are considered. Finally a numerical example is given to illustrate the methodology.

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