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Working Papers | 1987

Existence of Nash Equilibrium Programs of Capital Accumulation Under Altruistic Preferences: The Continuous Time Case

Lahiri Somdeb

This paper presents a general model of altruistic growth in continuous time, where agents' welfare are assumed separable in current consumption levels and levels of incremental consumption. We prove the existence of Nash Equilibrium Programs of Capital accumulation.

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Working Papers | 1987

Optimal Maintenance and Life of Machines, Subject to Time Varying Rate of Depreciation

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we study the optimal maintenance policy and life of machines with time varying decay rate of quality. Many management problems involve the determination of the life or horizon of an activity in combination with the management of it. We study a particular class of such problems, and obtain solutions for optimal maintenance policies and life of machines.

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Working Papers | 1987

Marine Fisheries Development: An Outlook at Turn of the Century and Key Policy Issues

Srivastava Uma Kant

Marine fisheries will have to play a crucial role in augmenting supplies both in the domestic as well as export markets. Thrust of the development will be deep sea and brackish water resources. The exploitation of these resources, particularly deep sea, will require a rapid transition from chartering of vessels to joint ventures and owned fleet with modern and sophisticated technology. Creation of sizeable owned fleet would require massive credit and fiscal support. This thrust for exploitation of deep sea resources can be sustained with consorted attempts to formulate and implement strategies for product development and marketing in both domestic as well as export markets. This will also require the attention to develop the necessary infrastructure to handle such vessels, onshore processing facilities, better management of fishing harbors, cold chain grid in the domestic markets, development of transit and terminal markets at wholesale and retail levels. Boat Building Yards will have to take up new challenges. This also throws up challenges for net marketing industry in this country. All these developments would also require massive efforts for training and development of manpower. This paper deals with all these areas in a systems framework and suggests appropriate policy support measures for strengthening various elements of the system.

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Working Papers | 1987

Marketing of Fresh Water Fishes in India

Srivastava Uma Kant

In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze the marketing pattern (use flows, physical flows, channel flows and fishermen's share in consumer rupee) of fresh water fishes and to summarize the key areas for action to improve the marketing system and farmer's share in consumer rupee. Before discussing the marketing pattern, demand-supply scenario, price behavior of fish vis-à-vis other commodities and role of inland fisheries in meeting the demand is presented. The most important concern for improving the fish marketing system is to give larger share of consumer's rupee to fisherman/fish farmers. As the same time availability of fish to consumers including those located in the hinterland, need to be assured at reasonable prices. Keeping these two major concerns in view, following areas of actions can be suggested for improving inland fish marketing system: (i) Market Regulations, Weights and Measurements, (ii) Strengthening of Transit-and-Terminal Markets and setting up of Retail Markets, (iii) Packing and Transportation, and (iv) Vertical Integration of Cooperative from Primary to Transit and Terminal Markets.

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Working Papers | 1987

Considerations in Evolving a Comprehensive Leasing Policy for Inland Waterbodies for Fish Production

Srivastava Uma Kant

Inland fishery resources can be classified in terms of rivers, fresh water ponds, reservoirs and brackish water bodies (ponds for culture, term's farms for capture/filtration, lakes, swamps and estuaries). Some States have made an attempt to license the river stretches to the fishermen for a small fee but in view of the declining catches from the reverie resources, it is doubtful whether reverie fishermen in Gujarat can be made to pay anything. There is, however, a need for conservation of fish breeding and genetic resources in the reverie sector. The question of lease/royalty is important for the other three sub-systems of inland sector i.e. fresh water ponds, reservoirs and brackish water water-bodies. This paper is designed to highlight some of the critical elements in decision-making about the leasing of these water-bodies. The paper makes recommendations for the lease duration, rent and institutional support for each of the inland fishery sub-systems.

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Working Papers | 1987

Priority Areas for Research in the Operations of Small Enterprises

Srivastava Uma Kant

Failure and sickness of small venture during project cycle has received very little attention by the developmental institutions, specialized research institutions and management specialists. Failure and sickness is caused due to problems in pre-operative and operative phases of a project. In operative phase, which broadly could be considered as project pre-planning and implementation phase, internal and external factors cause delay in project implementation. Delay in implementation often seriously jeopardizes the financial viability of the project right from the initial stage. Major problems in operative phase include faulty project formulation and implementation, non-availability of raw materials, poor financial management, training and retraining of manpower, marketing problems and technical problems associated with production. Survey research and case research are important methods of research in small ventures. Survey research is not only time consuming but also does not provide insight at micro-level into the reasons, which lead to failure and sickness in small ventures. Case researches of selected small enterprises from various regions of the country can be an extremely effective tool for generating the required understanding of small business. It is desirable that major specialized research institutes should take the lead in generating ideas and providing regional and state levels should pool the researches and share the funding with each other.

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Working Papers | 1987

The Simplest Problem in Optimal Control Revisited

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper, we define and study the simplest problem in optimal control theory, with differential inequalities determining the evolution of state variables. We prove necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality.

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Working Papers | 1987

Evaluation of Managerial Influence Tactics

Deepti Bhatnagar

The present study was undertaken to find out whether different influence tactics are evaluated the same way, or differently, in downward and upward exercise of influence; whether appropriateness and effectiveness constitute two different dimensions of evaluation; and whether the sex of the influence agent and the influence target affects the evaluation of influence tactics. Data were collected from 144 bank managers. Results showed that for influencing subordinates, many more tactics are seen as being highly appropriate and effective, than for influencing superiors. Appropriateness and effectiveness emerged as two different dimensions of evaluation. The sex of the influence agent had no effect on the evaluation of influence tactics; however, the sex of the influence target affected the evaluation of the appropriateness of different influence tactics. Implications of these findings are presented.

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Working Papers | 1987

Financial Goals: A Survey of Experiences in India

Pandey I M and Bhat Ramesh

The Study aimed to test the existence of multiple financial goals and to find the relative significance of the financial goals pursued by companies in India. A questionnaire was sent to companies listed in the Investors' Guide of Economic Times. Sixty one questionnaires were received back, of which fifty seven were found useful for analysis. The results of the study are: (1) Companies follow multiple financial objectives. The cumulative percentage of companies using two or more financial objectives is 100 per cent. (2) Out of the total respondent companies, only 19.3 per cent inter-alia consider maximization of market value per share in the financial decision-making. This objective is least considered in financial decision-making. (3) The overall rank ordering of the financial objectives suggest the following four objectives to be important: (a) maximization of operating profit before interest and taxes; (b) maximizing the rate of return on investment; (c) maximizing the growth rate in sales; and (d) ensuring that funds are available. (4) An international comparison of financial objectives reveal that 'guarantee funds are available' and 'maximization of EBIT' have been ranked very high in France, Norway and India. Unlike in France, Netherlands and USA, Indian managers do not consider growth in EPS of high importance. It is also indicated that Indian managers' views on financial goals are significantly correlated with that of France, Japan and Norway.

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Working Papers | 1987

An Economic Analysis of Food-Energy Sector: Implications for Subsistence Behaviour and Credit Policy

P. R. Shukla, Moulik T K, and Modak Shrikant

This paper presents economic analysis of food-energy relationship with implications for subsistence farmers; behaviour and credit policy. The analysis of the model formulated by Timmer is discussed. A model is formulated to study the food-energy relationship for subsistence farmers. Implications of availability of credit for purchasing inputs on the food-energy relationship is explored and results are presented.

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