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Working Papers | 1984

Organizational Goals as Determinants of Lower Management Job Satisfaction

Khandwalla P N

Questionnaire based data from 47 Indian corporations indicated interesting causal linkages between goals of top management and the level of job satisfaction of the relatively lower level of management vis-à-vis various job factors. three hypotheses were assessed, namely, that each goal differentially affects the various facets of lower management job satisfaction, that goals differ in their patterns of effects on lower management job satisfaction, and that goals differ on the extent of impact on lower management job satisfaction. The data broadly supported the hypotheses. Implications of the findings for organization theory and management practice are discussed. Hypotheses emerging from the study are stated.

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Working Papers | 1984

Two Problems in Cognitive Algebra: Imputations and Adveraging - Versus- Multiplying

Singh Ramadhar

Two problem in cognitive algebra are considered in this chapter. One is a problem of model diagnosis, distinguishing between two integration rule, averaging and multiplying, in causal attribution. This was the initial focus of the experiments reported here. Attempt toward model diagnosis, however, led to a further problem concerning imputations, that is, inferences about missing information. Most studies of information integration present specific pieces of information that control the judgment. In some situations, however, needed information may be missing. Judges may then impute some value to the missing information in arriving at their judgments. Imputations about missing information are inherent in all day-to-day activities; they cannot be ignored merely because they are not known. This chapter presents a systematic study of imputations about missing information, and shows that the conventional distinguishing tests between integration rules are ambiguous because of the problems connected with imputations. In a series of eight experiments, subjects received information about generosity and income of the stimulus persons and predicted size of gift by each stimulus person to a family whose house was burned down. Prediction of gift size obeyed the hypothesized multiplying rule: Gift Size = Generosity x Income. The alternative averaging rule which also specifies a similar fan pattern in the facterial plot of Generosity x Income effect was unequivocally infirmed. When judges predicted size of gift on the basis of information about generosity alone or income along of the donor, they imputed value for the missing information. Missing generosity information was imputed a constant, average value; missing income information, however, was imputed a value equal to that of the given information about generosity. Precise specification of these imputation was made possible through new distinguishing tests developed within the present research program. Application of this approach to the further study of attractiveness of consumer products, friendship formation, disciplinary judgments, and prediction of performance has been discussed.

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Working Papers | 1984

Culture as a Moederating Factor on the Effect of Centextual Variables on Operating Organizational Structure

Reddy Prathap

Organizational structure has been the focus of many studies in recent years. In most of these studies, the compact of culture on organizational structure is not considered. This paper argues that cultural values of the members of an organization influence its structure significantly. This has been discussed in the Indian context. Implications of cultural impact on organizational structure for developing countries have been indicated.

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Working Papers | 1984

Internationalisation of Indian PES

Khandwalla P N

An increasing number of public enterprises from India and other developing countries are internationalizing their operations, and some are even turning into multinational corporations. The paper discusses some of the motives for internationalization as well as factors facilitating and inhibiting it. The paper also discusses the organizational design appropriate for internationalization, and some issues in the management of internationalization of PEs. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the opportunities and threats internationalizing PEs may pose to MNCs from developed countries.

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Working Papers | 1983

Directing Programme Evaluation Towards the Field Worker: An Experiment in Adult Education

Bhatt Anil and Subramanian Ashok K

Although there is now a more widespread attempt to carry out systematic, evaluation studies of development programmes and projects by external agencies, the users of these studies continue to be the elite management group of policy makers and planners and international agencies. The lower levels of the development bureaucracy in the district and in the block seldom have access to evaluation reports, despite having their work studied for purposes of evaluation by social science researchers and consultants. This paper argues for a wider use of evaluation efforts by the involvement of programme implementers and field workers in the process of (1) debating the nature and content of evaluation (2) using the feedback from evaluation for further planning at their levels and (3) initiating follow up action. An experiment of eliciting such involvement through an intensive two day workshop during the evaluation study of the National Adult Education Programme (NAEP) is discussed in the paper. The reaction of the field workers to the evaluation study and an exercise on action planning designed on the basis of the study are described. The paper concludes with the authors' observations on the experiment and a plea for less mechanistic uses of evaluation of large scale development programmes.

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Working Papers | 1983

Design of an Organization Structure for Ocean Development

Ganapathy R S and Subramanian Ashok K

The development of ocean resources has become a major strategic programme for India. The vastness, complexity and uncertainty of the ocean environment necessitate a co-ordinated, and responsive organization structure. This paper outlines the design considerations and proposes an organizational structure within the Government of India, to achieve its main objectives in ocean development. Firstly, an analysis of tasks, roles and linkages in ocean development is attempted. Various approaches to organization design like contingency theory, cultural analysis, stakeholder analysis, matrix organization and organizational learning are reviewed in the context of the tasks ahead in ocean development. It is argued that the design of the structure should be seen in multiple ways and structure is much more than an objective set of relationships and formal location of authority. Such a processual view of the structure enables us to look at its design as a part of ocean development rather than an "objective stage" prior to its implementation. Consistent with the nature of advanced technology, the turbulent environment and an assessment of the alternatives in organizational structure within Government of India, an organizational structure at the top management level and programmes is designed. The structure is based on an analysis of environmental conditions and task requirements as well as perceptions of and consensus among stake-holders. The design is informed by a larger contextual understanding of India's strategic vision and her political economy.

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Working Papers | 1983

Economics of Sustianed Rapid Growth in India Fertiliser Consumption

Desai G M

This paper presents a framework to discuss economics of sustained rapid growth in India's fertilizer consumption. Major considerations suggested by the framework are then discussed against the backdrop of the past growth in fertilizer use to identify key policy issues and draw conclusions. Economics of fertilizer use is usually discussed in terms of factors which determine its profitability to farmers. Among these factors, prices of crops and fertilizers receive maximum attention since they can be altered by policy interventions. From this it follows that to discuss economics of growth in fertilizer use, we should concern ourselves with the necessary changes in the factors influencing farmers' profitability of fertilizer use. The main thrust of this paper is that such an approach is not appropriate because it bypasses many considerations which are equally, if not more important. The paper is divided into five sections. Section I highlights the need to generate sustained rapid growth in India' fertilizer consumption. Section II briefly summarises the conventional approach to discuss economics of fertilizer use and brings out the questions it raises. Section III presents an alternative approach which shows why the conventional approach and questions raised by it constrain the discussion of how to generate the desired rate of growth in fertilizer consumption which have important implications in discussing economics of further growth in its use. Finally, Section V draws some policy conclusions.

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Working Papers | 1983

A Nutrition Profile of Ahmedabad

Ganapathy R S

Nutritional status is one of the key indicators of the development in a society. Urban nutritional problems are increasingly becoming critical in India. This paper surveys the nutrition scene in Ahmedabad in relation to its soci-economic context, analyses the major problems identified, reviews the emerging trends and develops some tentative recommendations for future action. Improving the nutritional status is a complex task and often involves long term, fundamental changes in life-styles, economic activities and community action. In the short term, nutritional impacts can be achieved through education, public programmes and regulation. This exploratory paper is based on secondary data, informal discussions and observations and is written in a popular style to create a wider awareness of the issues. The paper identifies a number of researchable areas which need to be explored, if we have to get a systematic understanding of the problems in urban nutrition, as a guide to action.

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Working Papers | 1983

A Case for Disallowing Interest Deductibility and Reducing Corporate Tax Rate

Pandey I M

The tax deductibility of interest cost seems to be the major reason for the existing very high level of corporate borrowings in India. It is therefore suggested in this paper that interest cost may be disallowed as a deductible expense and simultaneously, the corporate tax rate may also be reduced in a way that not only the corporate sector's tax burden remains unaltered but also the government does not suffer may loss of tax revenue. In view of the existing corporate tax rate of 60% and interest to profits before interest and taxes ratio of 40%, the proposed tax rate can, thus, be fixed at 36%, disallowing the interest deductibility. The proposed change would cause reallocation of the aggregate tax burden among companies. Thus, although the corporate sector's aggregate tax burden would not change yet individual companies would be affected favourably or adversely. All profitable nonlevered companies would gain, saving 24% of profits as tax, buy the change. The hightly profitable levered companies, whose rates of return exceed two and a half times of their interest rates, would benefit more than the profitable nonlevered companies. The moderately profitable levered companies, whose rate of return are in excess of two and a half times of their interest rates into debt ratios, would also gain but less than the profitable levered companies. The less or marginally profitable levered companies would lese (they will have to pay more taxes) on account of the proposed change. Maximum loss will be suffered by the companies with low profitability and high leverage. Loss-making existing and new companies and sick companies would not be affected immediately as they do not incur any tax liability, but they would suffer when they would become profitable in the future and would not be allowed to carry ever the interest portion of the accumulated losses to be adjusted against profits for tax computation. All those companies which would suffer due to the proposed change should be given marginal reliefs at the time of the proposal's implementation. Is the proposed change worthwhile? It is useful in two ways. First, a large number of profitable, levered and nonlevered, companies would immediately benefit as their tax liability would be reduced under the proposed system. What is more important however is that the proposed change would be in the long-term interest of all companies. By proposing a substantial reduction in the corporate tax rate (bringing it down form 60% to 36%), it potentially provides enough motivation for companies to improve their profitabilities by eliminating wasteful expenses and controlling costs. The change may thus help to increase the corporate sector's profitability level in the long-run, and consequently, provide impetus to the capital market via improved share yields. Second, it would encourage a large number of moderately and marginally profitable companies to reduce their existing levels of debt to take full advantage of the proposed change. Thus the pressure for funds on financial institutions and banks may decline. Debt now would be a costly source of finance. As a result, unless a company is highly profitable, it would gain more and more (in terms of tax saved) under the suggested system by reducing its levels of debt. The proposed system may however tempt very highly profitable companies to employ more debt. The number of such companies is not large.

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Working Papers | 1983

Deterministic and Random Single Machine Sequencing with Variance Minimization

Vani Vina and Raghavacahari M

This paper discusses the problem of ordering n jobs on a single machine with the objective of minimizing the variance of completion times. It is shown that for n> 18 jobs, there exits an optimal solution in which the job with the third largest processing time is always at the second position. Using the techniques of partitioning of variances 1 a general formula is given for the change in variance due to the interchange of two jobs whose positions hav nt been fixed in the sequence. Optimal sequences are obtained for n=6 and n=7. The results are extended to the random case when the processing times are random variables and the objective is to minimize the expected variance of the completion times.

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