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Working Papers | 1977

Corporate Investment in 1977: A Forecast

C Rangarajan

There has been a substantial pick up in private corporate investment in 1976 as compared to 1975. Corporate investment in 1977 would be higher than that reached in 1976. It is likely to reach in nominal terms the level attained in 1974, which is the best year so far. However, in real terms the 1974 peak will not be reached. This study entailed an analysis of all the projects sanctioned by the all-India term lending institutions. Capital expenditures incurred on all projects sanctioned by these institutions amounted to Rs. 530 crores in 1975. But during 1976 these expenditures are likely to be Rs. 637 crores, thus indicating a pick up in corporate investment. Since as of now the capital expenditures likely to be incurred in 1977 are of the order of Rs. 512 crores there is every possibility that corporate investment in 1977 would exceed the level reached in 1976. It is, however, to be noted that a higher level of corporate investment in current prices does not indicate a rise in investment in real terms.

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Working Papers | 1977

Mathematical Programming Method to Determine exact

Rai Ajai K

The derivation of "optimal allocation" of sample sizes to different strata in stratified random sampling does not take into account the integrality, non-negativity and upper bound restrictions on the sample sizes. One of the consequences of this is that the formula at times requires more than 100% sampling in some strata. In this paper an exact integer programming formulation is proposed and an efficient method of finding optimal solution is given. An alternative method using incremental or marginal analysis approach is also given. A numerical example illustrating the non-optimality of the current procedures and the corresponding optimal solution obtained by the methods of the paper is also presented.

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Working Papers | 1977

Reshaped Fifth Five Year Plan: Response to Changed Environment

Srivastava Uma Kant

This paper views the exercise contained in the Final Fifth Five Year Plan (of India) as a response of the planners for the revision of the Draft Fifth Five Year Plan due to several changes in the environment both within India and in the International economy during the first two-and-a-half years of this Plan. A few significant environmental changes have been selected, the implications of these changes for the Draft Plan explored, and finally the stand taken in the Final Plan explained and evaluated. The timing as well as contents of the Final Fifth Plan, as a document in political economy, has been profoundly influenced by the decisions taken at the political level. The Final Plan which has emerged in the process is in many ways a substantial improvement on the Draft Plan. However, it has not taken into account a number of other changes in the environment pointed out in this paper, which require immediate attention and action. A number of assumptions made in the Final Plan might be invalidated which would affect the chances of fulfillment of the objectives and programmes of this Plan.

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Working Papers | 1977

Psychology of Poverty

Moulik T K

This paper is a critical review of researches in psychology of poverty in India. In spite of the fact that poverty remains to be the foremost problem of India, there seems to be a general negligence on the part of the Indian behavioral scientists in studying it with researcher's rigour. Poverty in India is typically a unique Indian problem deeply rooted into great traditions of Hinduism and Islam. The review clearly brings out how poverty in India is historically an accepted generalized phenomenon both socially and psychologically among the Indians. Academics, especially, the psychologists also become a victim of this historical process accepting poverty merely as a religious problem. After critically analyzing the historical perspective, the paper then reviews all the researches done on psychology of poverty in India until 1970. The review is basically concerned with the psychological response of that segment of India's population whose objective material deprivation condition is very close to or below the survival level. Whatever few studies done in this line, these have shown that the condition of poverty have direct or indirect bearings on motivations and aspirations in a manner of vicious circle of culture of poverty: it affects the process of socialization and cognitive development, and sometimes (rarely in India) it creates class-consciousness resulting into some kind of protest behavior. The paper emphasizes the lack of proper psychological researches in this crucial field of social concern, while the nova lists, film-makers and poets, unlike the behavioral scientists, have been concerned. The review then provides a guideline for future researches on psychology of poverty in India, both in terms of content and methodology.

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Working Papers | 1977

Process Consultation for Managing Change in a Voluntary Agency

T. V. Rao

This article describes the process of planned change in a voluntary organization working for social objectives. The author's experiences with this agency as a facilitator for reflection, team building and planning the administrative structure for the process of change are described. A few principles underlying process consultation, assessment/team of work and planning and managing change are outlined.

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Working Papers | 1977

Performance - Oriented Selection Criteria for Rural Entrepreneurs

Basu Shyamal K and Moulik T K

The paper presents a fully operational method of selection for financing rural entrepreneurs engaged in such activities as manufacturing, processing, trade and services etc. An interdisciplinary approach was used to qualify the selection variables as well as entrepreneurial performance. The selection variables include both economic and socio-psychological variables. In the former category entrepreneurs business background, initial capital and managerial function were considered, while in the later category educational background, motivation, aspiration and overall modernity scales were used. All relevant variables were scored and quantified. Among performance variables, average annual percentage increase in fixed capital, gross turnover and an index of diversification was used. Selection criteria was worked out by making the variables according to the weights computed in working out economical correlations between the selection and performance variables set.

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Working Papers | 1977

Multinational Enterprises in India and their Export Performance: The Case of Hindustan Lever Limited

Wadhva Charan D

The purpose of this paper is to look at the recent export performance of a number of leading multinational enterprises in India as a backdrop to providing a detailed case study of the working of one such enterprise, namely the Hindustan Level Limited, so as to provide a perspective on the Indian experience on the subject. The experience of exports by multinational enterprises from India reviewed in this paper with a detailed case study of the export performance and strategy of Hindustan Lever Ltd reveals that the exports by such companies would not have occurred but for the push given by the government policies ranging from incentives to export obligations. Growth of exports of these companies has to be seen as an integral part of the process of their adaptation for survival and growth in India. It is clear that their main objective of the multinational enterprises operating in developing countries is "profit" and, if directed into activities with sufficient long run profitability, such corporations will be able to change their operations to suit the new environment. Despite the technical, financial, marketing and personnel resources which these companies possess by virtue of being a part of the multinational enterprises, their export performance in India has, despite improvement in recent years, not yet been as good as their potential. The Government has to find ways and means to bargain with these units effectively on unit-to-unit basis taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of each of them if the full potential of these units in the field of exports is to be realized.

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Working Papers | 1976

Validity Study of Tests for Executive Selection

Saiyadain M S and Monappa Arun

Several reasons have been offered for the depressed values of coefficients of correlation between performance evaluation scores and test scores for tests that otherwise seem to have high validity. Most of these studies have concerned themselves with only the first year performance measure. This study was undertaken to broad base the validity design by including performance measures of 3 subsequent years. Data were collected on the test and performance scores of executives from three organizations. The results indicate that though test scores may not show significant relationship with the first year performance appraisal score, they do show positive and significant relationship with 2nd and/or 3rd year performance appraisal scores. The rationales of the results are discussed. Analysis of the test and performance appraisal scores of these who left organizations at various stages have also been carried out to examine the rationale.

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Working Papers | 1976

Relevance: A Poser for Indian Psychology at the Crossroads

Pareek Udai

Some recent comments on the crisis in psychology have suggested some dimensions requiring attention. A multi-dimensional framework of relevance is suggested to deal with this problem. Relevance is defined in five elements and the problems of five types of relevance are discussed: conceptual relevance, methodological relevance, professional relevance, socio-cultural relevance, and societal relevance. At the end a plea is made to go beyond relevance to develop concern and commitment for social action.

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Working Papers | 1976

An Exploratory Study of Decision Making Strategies and Oraganisational Health in Maharashtra Ohule Krishi Vidyalaya

Pareek Udai, Matthai Ravi, and T. V. Rao

This report presents an analysis of the data from one university collected for the ICSSR project on 'An Exploratory Study of Decision Making Strategies, Bureaucratization and Organizational Health in Universities' by Professors Ravi J Matthai, Udai Pareek & T.V.Rao. The basic design, instruments and other methodology used in this study are the same as those reported in an earliere report on 'An Exploratory Study of Decision Making Strategies and Organizational Health in a University by Professors Ravi J Matthai, Udai Pareek and T.V.Rao of Education Systems Group at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. In this study the decision making processes in the Maharashtra Phule Krishi Vidyalaya and the organizational health of the institution are analysed and details are presented.

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