Finding frequent patterns from databases has been the most time consuming process in data mining tasks, like association rule mining. Frequent pattern mining in real-time is of increasing thrust in many business applications such as e-commerce, recommender systems, and supply-chain management and group decision support systems, to name a few. A plethora of efficient algorithms have been proposed till date, among which, vertical mining algorithms have been found to be very effective, usually outperforming the horizontal ones. However, with dense datasets, the performances of these algorithms significantly degrade. Moreover, these algorithms are not suited to respond to the real-time need. In this paper, we describe BDFS(b)-diff-sets, an algorithm to perform real-time frequent pattern mining using diff-sets and limited computing resources. Empirical evaluations show that our algorithm can make a fair estimation of the probable frequent patterns and reaches some of the longest frequent patterns much faster than the existing algorithms.