Faculty & Research

Connect with us - Information Systems

Area Chairperson

Adrija Majumdar

Adrija Majumdar

Assistant Professor of Information Systems

  • Email
  • Office Phone
    079-7152 4802
  • Secretary Name
    Snehal Jethwa
  • Secretary Email
  • Secretary Phone
    079-7152 7931

Academic Associates

SN Name  Location Email
Office Phone
01 Ms. Akanksha Singh NC-NAB-1, GF akankshas 7916
02 Ms. Komal Tanna NC-NAB-1, GF komalt 7923
03 Mr. Pranav V. Dorm 15 (Room 6) pranavv 7506
04 Ms. Richa Dave NC-NAB-1, GF Richad 7781
05 Mr. Abhishek Mondal NC-FT-05 abhishekmondal 7972
06 Mr. Piyush Gopal NC-NAB-2 Piyushg 7774


Area Secretary

Designation Department Email
Office Phone
Harshadkumar Parmar Assistant Manager Secretarial Staff harshad 7771