Past Events Centre for Digital Transformation Home Faculty & Research Our Faculty Research & Publications Case Centre Academic Areas Research Centres JSW - SPP IIMA Knowledge Centres Faculty Recruitment Connect with Us Research & Publications Publication Search R&P newsletter Excellence in Research Awards Intranet Past Seminars / Workshops 2022 17/11/2022 Profit and Welfare in Public-Private Service Supply Chanins Motivated by Changes in Passenger Rail in the UK 17/10/2022 COVID-19 Learning loss and recovery: Panel data evidence from India 07/09/2022 Stability in matching with couples having Responsive Preferences 06/09/2022 Managing Human Resource Management Tensions in Project based Organisations 29/08/2022 Integration Among US Banks 25/08/2022 Future Self-Proof Elicitation Mechanisms 24/08/2022 Time Perspective, Firm Resources, and Dynamic Capabilities 23/08/2022 Misinformation in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic: An Investigation of health harm characteristics and related social media conversations 22/08/2022 Geometric Reasoning and Machine Learning in Digital Manufacturing and Design Applications 12/08/2022 Digital Initiatives at Philips and Research Opportunities: Smart Factory, loT-enabled Logistics, and Data-driven Decision-making 08/08/2022 Entrepreneurial Orientation, Firm Performance, and the Moderating Influence of CEO Servant Leadership 05/08/2022 How Currency Concreteness Impacts Spending Behaviour-Insights from Loyalty Programs 03/08/2022 Kunbas as Joint Stock Companies, Panchayats as Cartels: How Rent Shapes Delhi 15/07/2022 Effect of Health Insurance in India: A Randomized Controlled Trial 12/07/2022 Evaluating and monitoring distribution network efficiency with multivariate process control methods 07/07/2022 How to Govern Insured Cyber-Risk Management in Cyber-Physical System Societies? 04/07/2022 The Wrong Kind of Information 01/07/2022 How do product recommendations help consumers search products? Evidence of underlying mechanisms from a field experiment 23/06/2022 Best Practices for survey development and Implementation 21/06/2022 Decline and Prosper!: Changing Global Birth Rates and the Advantages of Fewer Children 20/06/2022 Supply chain challenges and opportunities in the post COVID-19 era 19/05/2022 Female representation in school management and school quality 09/05/2022 Does Geopolitical RIsk Stifle Corporate Innovation? 06/05/2022 Platform Monertization and Unintended Consequences on its Ecosystem: Evidence from a Two-sided Market for Books 05/05/2022 Introduction to Bayesian Analysis 28/04/2022 Cost implications of consignment inventory management for general and physician preference items in healthcare 25/04/2022 Analyzing Frictions in Generalized Second-Price Auction Markets 21/04/2022 Verify Now, Save Later? Advance Screening to Mitigate Fraud 31/03/2022 The impact of asset sales on the method of payment used in subsequent acquisitions and their value effect 30/03/2022 Reality, Rhetoric and Reporting of the Relationship between immigration and crime: Evidence from Geneva, Switzerland 25/03/2022 Cross-Border Institutional Complexity: A Review of Multinational Nonmarket Strategy 2021 18/12/2021 Research Webinar on Improving Supply Chain Resiliemce: Looking Back and Looking Forward 17/12/2021 Research Webinar on Allies or Adversaries? NGOs and the State in Development 08/12/2021 Research Webinar on Information Frictions and Heterogeneity in Valuation Personal Data 26/11/2021 Conditional Process Analysis in Social Sciences 26/11/2021 Research Webinar on The Economics of Process Transparency 19/11/2021 Research Webinar on Facilitating the Search for Partners on Matching Platform 15/11/2021 Research Webinar on Additive Components and Diversification Within and Across Product Architectures by Android Smartphone Vendors 10/11/2021 Research Webinar on Treatment and Selection Effects of Formal Workplace Mentorship Programs 25/10/2021 Research Webinar on Application of the transtheoretical model of change to examine LPG use in rural India 20/10/2021 Research Webinar on The Costs of Employment Segregation: Evidence from the Federal Government under Wilson 19/10/2021 Research Webinar on upturning the energy ladder: An ethographic study of household energy transitions in rural India 08/10/2021 Research Webinar on Community Solar Value Generation and Distribution 01/10/2021 Research Webinar on Small Data, Big Data & Statistics 24/09/2021 Research Webinar on Cost-effectiveness of seroprevalence based COVID-19 vaccination strategies in India 24/09/2021 Research Webinar on Online Text Analysis 20/09/2021 Research Webinar on The role food and land use systems in achieving India's sustainability targets 14/09/2021 Webinar: Scaling Choice Architecture Interventions in Business and Policy 30/08/2021 Gendered analysis of time allocation, work effort and nutritional outcomes – evidence across seasons from rural India 28/08/2021 Implementing Sustainability in Organizations: How Practitioners Discursively Position Work 18/08/2021 Introduction to conducting experiments online 28/07/2021 Research Webinar on Goals-Based Wealth Management 23/07/2021 Research Webinar on Learning from Driving Behaviors: A Deep Learning Approach for Predicting Retailer Choice and the Privacy Tradeoffs of Tracking Consumers 15/07/2021 Fostering Inclusive Social Innovation in Subsistence Marketplaces Through Community-Level Alliances: An Institutional Work Perspective 14/07/2021 Introduction to GIS and Geospatial Analysis for Decision-making 21/06/2021 Directed Fixed Charge Multicommodity Network Design: A Cutting Plane Approach Using Polar Duality 12/06/2021 Deterministic and Stochastic Models for Manufacturing, Warehousing and Health Care Systems 04/06/2021 Identifying Intrapreneurial Leadership Competencies in Engineering Companies 24/05/2021 Heuristics to solve optimization problems by IIMA Prof. Diptesh Ghosh 17/05/2021 Rationalizable Implementation: An Iterative Characterization 14/05/2021 Just-in-Case Supply chain Scenario Planning 21/04/2021 Evaluating Adolescents' Responses to Internet Ads: Role of Ad Skepticism, Internet Literacy, and Parental Mediation 10/04/2021 Trading Well-Being for Productivity: Mobile Overuse from a Partner's Perspective 08/04/2021 The Long-run Development Impacts of Agriculture Productivity Gains: Evidence from Irrigation Canals in India 30/03/2021 Theory Building by Prof. Aditya Moses 26/03/2021 How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate 19/03/2021 Steering Consumers to Affiliated Financial Services: Evidence from Mortgage Pre-Approvals and the Cost of Credit 02/03/2021 Emerging Business Analytics and Disruptive Technologies Related Issues in Operations Management, Information Systems, Marketing, and Other Related Domains 23/02/2021 Efforts go to waste? Planet-profit trade-offs in supply chain collaboration 20/02/2021 An Analysis of Incentive Schemes for Participant Retention in Clinical Studies 11/02/2021 Financial comovement networks: Instability, centrality and ripples 10/02/2021 Using visual methods in management research 25/01/2021 Unpacking the effects of adverse regulatory events: Evidence from pharmaceutical relabelling 20/01/2021 Claiming the State: Active Citizenship and Social Welfare in Rural India 08/01/2021 Making Management Education more Relevant to Organisational and Societal Challenges 05/01/2021 Experimental-Methods Research 04/01/2021 Time Perspective and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Family Firms: Some Theoretical Propositions 2020 28/12/2020 Research Webinar on Who Benefits from Private Schools in India 21/12/2020 Research Webinar on Nature vs. Nurture: Analyzing the effects of network centrality, regional accessibility and local amenities on residential real estate price 18/12/2020 Research Webinar on Can Representation Reduce Inequality? Ethnic Parties , Electrol Quotas, and Drinking Water Acess in Rural India 10/12/2020 Research Webinar on Joint Product Farming and Order Fulfillment for E-Commerce Retailers 04/12/2020 Applied Game Theory and Marketing - what makes for an interesting investigation 20/11/2020 Mixed-Methods Research 18/11/2020 Research Webinar on Do Women Receive Worse Financial Advice? 17/11/2020 Research Webinar on Credit Insurance, Bailout and Systemic Risk 27/10/2020 Census, National Sample Surveys and Historical Research Methods 17/10/2020 Research Webinar on Group Purchasing Organisatizations: How and When Do they Facilitate Performance in Industrial Markets? 10/10/2020 Research Webinar on Demanding Development: The Politics of Public Goods Provision in India's Urban Slums. 06/10/2020 Research Webinar on THE TAKEOFF OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE: A SIGNALING PERSPECTIVE BASED ON COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 29/09/2020 Research Webinar on Women on Board in India: Numbers, Composition, Experiences and Inclusion of Women Directors 22/09/2020 Quasi-experimental research methods in Economics and Marketing 16/09/2020 Research Webinar on Eye in the sky: private satellites and government macro data. 08/09/2020 Research Webinar on Strangers at the Bedside: Subaltern Solidarities and New Form Institutionalization 28/08/2020 Research Webinar on Pledging of Shares by Promoters: The good, the Bad and the ugly 25/08/2020 Reserach Webinar on Extricating energy poverty from cultures and spaces of energy consumption. 22/08/2020 Research Webinar on The Future of Work 11/08/2020 Research Webinar on Modernizing Retailers in Emerging Markets: Investigating Externally-focused and Internally-Focused Approaches 27/07/2020 Research Webinar on Mobile Targeting using Customer Trajectory Patterns 16/07/2020 Research Webinar on Transit-Oriented Development and Residential Location in Hong Kong: Form Economic and Social Spatial Perspectives 03/07/2020 Research Webinar on Women's Labor Force Participation and Household Technology Adoption 26/06/2020 Research Webinar on Geographical dissimilarities and team member influence: do emotions experienced in the initial team meeting matter? 10/06/2020 Research Webinar on Sparking Manufacturing Innovation: How Temporary Interplant Assignments Increase Employee Ideas Values. 21/05/2020 Research Webinar on Leveraging service recovery strategies to reduce customer churn in an emerging market. 12/05/2020 Research Webinar on Integrating Anticipative eplenishment-Allocation with Reactive Fulfilment for Online Retailing Using Robust Optimization. 29/04/2020 Research Webinar on Do tweets create value for firms? An Analysis of Twitter use and content of tweets manufacturing firms. Past Brown Bag Seminars 17/06/2022 Understanding Donation Behaviour during natural disasters: Substitution, Persistence, and Targeting 20/05/2022 The impact of Co-location of departments on joint sales in retail stores 28/04/2022 Caste based reservation and study group formation: Evidence from a business school in India 28/04/2022 Bankruptcy outcome: Liquidated vs Reorganized? An Empirical Investigation of Bankruptcy Reform in India 21/01/2022 Distributional Effects of Targeted Interventions 19/11/2021 COVID-19 and Period Products Usage among Menstruating Women in Urban and Rural India 22/10/2021 Activity-based spatial matching for air-pollution policy evaluation: Application to five Indian cities during COVID-19 lock-downs 17/09/2021 Politicising 'knowledge' through a postcolonial lens: The context of anti-workplace harassment policies in India 20/08/2021 Time, Technology & COVID-19: New Evidence from India 16/07/2021 Effect of Continuous Disclosure Requirement on Information Leakage Around Earnings Announcements 16/07/2021 Examining the relationship of Earnings Management and Corporate Governance o a firm with Surveillance Actions 14/05/2021 Fight or Surrender to Counterfeiters: Litigation as a Response to Trademark Infringement 23/04/2021 Long run impact of coal power and differential institutional adaptation: Evidence from India 12/03/2021 Impact of price path on disposition bias 12/02/2021 Mutual fund asset allocation during COVID-19 08/01/2021 Agricultural income support schemes: Measuring the effects of Rythu Banthu in India 11/12/2020 Impact of strategic inventories and cost learning in decentralized supply chains 20/11/2020 Factors impacting power distribution within the top management team of family firms Past Events Dec 19 India Finance Conference (IFC 2019) 201909:00 AM Dec 16 Behavioral Research in Economics (BREW) Workshop 201909:00 AM Dec 15 Operational Research Society of India & International Conference on Practice Management Science & Analytics (ORSI 2019) 201909:00 AM Dec 08 2nd International Conference on Networks Science in Economics & Finance (NetworkS, NSEF) 201909:00 AM Nov 23 JSW-SPP Conference on Law and Legal Institutions in Contemporary India: In Honour of N.R. Madhava Menon (LAW CONFERENCE) 201909:00 AM Sep 20 2nd Indian Family Business Conference (IFBC 2019) 201909:00 AM Aug 29 International Conference on Indian Business & Economic History (HISTORY ) 201909:00 AM Aug 09 Research Conference on Financial Distress, Bankruptcy, and Corporate Finance (FDBCF 2019) 201909:00 AM Apr 06 The 6th IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence (ICADABAI 2019) 201909:00 AM Feb 16 4th IIMA International Conference on Advances in Healthcare Management Services 201909:00 AM Jan 28 Fourth International Conference on Creativity and Innovation at Grassroots (ICCIG) 201909:00 AM Jan 10 Asia Pacific ACR Conference 201909:00 AM Jan 04 The Tenth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTDX 2019) 201909:00 AM Dec 19 International Conference on Network Science in Economics & Finance 201809:00 AM Dec 03 Indian Family Business Conference 201809:00 AM Jan 12 IGPC-IIMA Research Conference on Gold & Gold Market 201809:00 AM Jan 08 2nd Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Symposium 201809:00 AM Dec 09 3rd International Conference on Advances in Healthcare Management Services 201709:00 AM Nov 21 Third Global Conference on Emerging Trends in Business Librarianship 201709:00 AM Nov 18 International Conference on Law and Economics 201709:00 AM Apr 08 The 5th IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence (ICADABAI 2017) 201709:00 AM Jan 11 7th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies 201709:00 AM Jan 05 Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Symposium 201709:00 AM Read More