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Working Papers | 2012

A Competitive Genetic Algorithm for Single Row Facility Layout

Ravi Kothari and Diptesh Ghosh

The single row facility layout is the NP-Hard problem of arranging facilities with given lengths on a line, so as to minimize the weighted sum of the distances between all pairs of facilities. Owing to the computational complexity of the problem, researchers have developed several heuristics to obtain good quality solutions. In this paper, we present a genetic algorithm to solve large SRFLP instances. Our computational experiments show that an appropriate selection of genetic operators can yield high quality solutions in spite of starting with an initial population that is largely randomly generated. Our algorithm improves the previously best known solutions for several benchmark instances and is competitive for the remaining ones.

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Working Papers | 2012

How has the Indian Corporate Sector Responded to Two Decades of Economic Reforms in India? An Exploration of Patterns and Trends

Rakesh Basant and Pulak Mishra

In the context of various policy initiatives made during the last two decades to reform the Indian economy in general and corporate sector in particular, the present paper attempts to assess how the firms have responded to these policy measures and the resultant changes in the business conditions in a long run perspective. The paper finds that although the rate of growth of the Indian industry sector has not accelerated following economic reforms probably due to slow growth in agriculture and industrial productivity, investment in general and FDI in particular have shown considerable increase. Increase in competitive pressures during this period has forced the firms to adopt a variety of strategies. While reliance on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) has increased to restructure business and grow, the role of embodied and disembodied technology purchase has declined with firms relying somewhat more on in-house R&D. On the other hand, although strategies of building marketing and distribution related complementary assets continue to dominate the strategy of product differentiation, their role in a relative sense seems to have declined as these expenses as a proportion of sales show a declining trend. However, the emerging competitive pressures have raised the importance of sub-contracting/ outsourcing manufacturing, reducing the degrees of vertical integration. Interestingly, while cost-efficiencies do not show improvements, export orientation has increased across the industries significantly signaling enhanced global competitiveness of Indian firms, although imports have risen faster than exports. Overall, the observed trends of corporate response to economic reforms are interesting, but one need to systematically explore how M&A led consolidation and flows of FDI are linked to the adoption of various non-price strategies relating to technology and product differentiation. As economic reform deepens and competitive pressures build up, an analysis of these interactions would provide useful insights for understanding corporate behaviour and for making policy choices.

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Working Papers | 2012

Tabu Search for the Single Row Facility Layout Problem in FMS using a 3-opt Neighborhood

Ravi Kothari and Diptesh Ghosh

Since material handling agents in a FMS are most efficient when moving in straight lines, a common layout of machines in a FMS is a single row layout. This allows a floor designer to model the problem of generating an optimal machine layout in a FMS as a single row facility layout problem (SRFLP). Due to the computational complexity involved in solving the SRFLP, researchers have developed several heuristics to solve large instances of the problem. In this paper, we present a tabu search implementation based on a 3-opt neighborhood search scheme. We also present a technique to speed up the exhaustive 3-opt neighborhood search process significantly. Our computational experiments show that speed up of the 3-opt search is effective, and our tabu search implementation is competitive. The results we present here are better than the currently known best layouts for several large sized benchmark SRFLP instances, and competitive for other benchmark instances.

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Working Papers | 2012

Foreign R&D Centres in India: An Analysis of their
Size, Structure and Implications

Rakesh Basant and Sunil Mani

The study measures the contribution of MNCs to the generation of innovations from India. The focus is on innovations that are carried out in foreign R&D Centres. After having mapped out the size of this sector, the study develops a way of classifying them into two categories on the basis of their actual record with respect to performance of innovations. Further we survey the policies that are available in India to promote FDI in R&D services. The study also identify the characteristics of these foreign R&D centres in terms of a number of indicators like their, size, domain expertise, physical location and then it distils out the interaction of these centres with India's National System of Innovation. The latter is carried out through a primary survey. The contribution of this study is an identification of the size of foreign R&D Centres in India from official sources of data and its actual working. The study has thus a number of pointers for public policy for promoting this activity so that it is beneficial to the host economy of India.

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Working Papers | 2012

International Competitive Strategy Choices: Comparing Firms in China and India

Ping Lv, Monica Plechero, Rakesh Basant, and Xie-Lin Liu

The international business literature has yet to adequately explore international competitive strategy choices made by firms in developing countries. This study aims to address this gap by investigating the types of international competitive strategies followed by Chinese and Indian firms. Using firm-level primary data, the study analyzes factors that affect strategy choices and whether these factors differ between the two countries. The empirical results indicate that besides cost leadership strategies, firms have already developed international differentiation strategies and strategies combining cost and differentiation advantages (hybrid strategies). This confirms that firms from China and India are moving to international markets not only because of their low cost advantage but also because they are upgrading their capabilities to compete in the global market. The study highlights the fact that firms' resources and capabilities influence firms' propensity to choose a specific international competitive strategy and that the strategies can also differ in relation to the destination market. In general, the pursuit of well-articulated international competitive strategies (in particular differentiation strategy) is more common among Indian firms than among Chinese firms.

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Working Papers | 2012

A Lin-Kernighan Heuristic for Single Row Facility Layout

Ravi Kothari and Diptesh Ghosh

The single row facility layout problem (SRFLP) is the problem of arranging facilities with given lengths on a line, while minimizing the weighted sum of the distances between all pairs of facilities. The problem is known to be NP-hard. In this paper, we present a neighborhood search heuristic called LK-INSERT which uses a Lin-Kernighan neighborhood structure built on insertion neighborhoods. To the best of our knowledge this is the first such heuristic for the SRFLP. Our computational experiments show that LK-INSERT is competitive and improves the best known solutions for several large sized benchmark SRFLP instances.

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Working Papers | 2012

Tabu Search for the Single Row Facility Layout Problem Using Exhaustive 2-Opt and Insertion Neighborhoods

Ravi Kothari and Diptesh Ghosh

The single row facility layout problem (SRFLP) is the problem of arranging facilities with given lengths on a line, while minimizing the weighted sum of the distances between all pairs of facilities. The problem is NP-hard. In this paper, we present two tabu search implementations, one involving an exhaustive search of the 2-opt neighborhood and the other involving an exhaustive search of the insertion neighborhood. We also present techniques to significantly speed up the search of the two neighborhoods. Our computational experiments show that the speed up techniques are effective, and our tabu search implementations are competitive. Our tabu search implementations improved several previously known best solutions for large sized benchmark SRFLP instances.

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Working Papers | 2012

On the Blowout Preventer Testing Problem: An Approach to Checking for Leakage in BOP Networks

Diptesh Ghosh

Blowout Preventers (BOPs) and choke manifolds are key pieces of drilling rig equipment to prevent the uncontrolled release of potentially hazardous formation fluids to surface. The blowout prevention testing problem is that of testing BOP valves to check if they are functional or not. Several type of testing is done on these valves. This paper deals with the check if the valves are capable of holding pressure. We present a decision model that allows a structured and time saving approach to minimize the number of test sets in order to identify leakage. Recently the BOP terminology has gained prominence and public attention as a result of the Macondo blow-out and resulting oil-spill in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of the USA.

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Working Papers | 2012

Parental Education as a Criterion for Affirmative Action in Higher Education: A Preliminary Analysis

Rakesh Basant and Gitanjali Sen

Affirmative action, especially in the form of reservation policies, to address the issues of inclusion and equity has been in place in India for a long time. Through these policies higher participation of the marginalized groups is sought in the political, educational and work related domains. Over the years the scope and coverage of these reservation policies has been enlarged through the inclusion of new social groups and by incorporating new 'spaces' hitherto not available to certain social groups. The available evidence suggests that that the policies of reservation have not been an unqualified success. Besides, policies that were perceived as temporary have not only persisted but grown. Apart from uneven participation of marginalized groups in the three domains, recent studies have highlighted three developments that suggest a rethink on affirmative action (read reservation) policies in India: (1) The social hierarchy and conditions which formed the basis of affirmative action are undergoing a change in India; (2) Several issues have come up in the implementation of the reservation policies; and (3) Recent empirical studies have identified more robust measures of participation in higher education by different social groups and have provided some new insights on the determinants of differentials in such participation. Given this broad context, the paper explores if criteria other than caste and community can be used to form the basis for affirmative action. More specifically, we explore if parental education is an appropriate criterion for this purpose.

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Working Papers | 2011

An Adaptive Probabilistic Model for Broadcasting
in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Kavitha Ranganathan

Ad hoc peer-to-peer mobile phone networks (phone MANETs) enable cheap village level telephony for cash-strapped, off-the-grid communities. Broadcasting is a fundamental operation in such manets and is used for route discovery. This paper proposed a new broadcast technique that is lightweight, efficient and incurs low latency. Using extensive simulations, we compare our proposed technique to existing lightweight protocols. The results show that our technique is successful in outperforming existing lightweight techniques on the criteria that are critical for a phone-MANET.

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